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Product Name : Swad Dal Tadka
Company : Vimal Agro Products pvt. ltd.
Country : India
Weight : 450g
Storage Condition : Keep in Room temperature
Ingredient : Tomato, Pigeon Peas, Onion, Moong Beans etc.
Halal : Halal certified by Halal India.

G-market :

Dal Tadka (India, Swad, 450g)

  • Nama produk: Swad Dal Tadka
    Syarikat: Vimal Agro Produk pvt. ltd.
    Negara: India
    Berat: 450g
    Keadaan Menyimpan: Simpan di suhu bilik
    Bahan: Tomato, Kacang Dal, Bawang Merah, Kacang HIjau dan lain-lain
    Halal: Disahkan Oeh Halal India

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