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Product: Bamboe Sambal Goreng Ati ( Indonesian Liver in Chili Gravy Instant spices)
Weight Net : 54g
Country: Indonesia
Ingredients: shallots, garlic, chilli, galangal, salt, vegetable oil, sugar

Bamboe Sambal Goreng Ati (Indoensia, 54g)

  • Jenama: Bamboe
    Produk: Sambal Goreng Ati ( Kuah Cili rempah Segera Hati Indonesia)
    Berat bersih: 54g
    Negara: Indonesia
    Bahan-bahan: Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Cili, Lengkuas, Garam, Minyak Sayuran, Gula
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